Edinburgh Christadelphian Church was founded in 1853. But as our website address indicates, we aim to understand the Bible in a way that is relevant to people and their needs today.
Our worship is a mix of the traditional and modern. We regard practical applications of our faith as of great importance, and try to show the love of God to others in many different ways.
On the first Sunday in the month, we enjoy a Fellowship Afternoon, when through a variety of activities, we get to know each other better, and to love our Lord Jesus more deeply.
Everyone is welcome at any of our services.
Meeting Times
- Memorial Service: Sunday, 11:15am
- Sunday School: Sunday, 11:15am
- Memorial Service in Melrose: Sunday, 11:00am (third Sunday in the month)
- Afternoon Fellowship: Sunday, 2:00pm (first Sunday in the month)
- Bible Class: Wednesday, 7:45pm (held in our own homes)
All our arrangements are subject to the Will of God
Find Us
We meet at 4 Gayfield Place (Opposite Valvona and Crolla), Leith Walk, Edinburgh, EH7 4AB
Contact Us
You can email us at enquiries@Bible4now.info, or call us on 0131 440 1888
Telephone 0131 556 7958 to hear a short recorded message about an aspect of Christian living.
Registered Scottish Charity Number SC014140