The greatest story ever told
If you know the story of the birth of Christ you will know that they were denied room at each and every inn they went to once they reached Bethlehem to fulfil the census.
If two strangers came to your door asking for a bed, would you invite them in?
These dusty, weary travellers probably looked more hassle than they were worth. The innkeepers had their pick of guests to welcome to their business, so whether they were full or not – it would have been no hardship to turn them away. Would their attitude have changed had they known to whom they would have been playing host? The very saviour of the world – Jesus Christ – was about to be born and their home or business could have been a part of that.
Play your part
“Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it” Heb 13v2
This verse shows us how important being kind and sharing can be. Imagine playing host to angels! There are so many people in need, especially at this time of year in the cold and wet. What can you do to show the love of Christ to them? Have you room in your heart to give to them from what you have been blessed to receive?
Is your life busy and full? Have you heard the knocking at your door? Because this is God! Will you turn away the one who could have the single biggest impact on your future?
The world talks about God’s son more at this time of year than any other. Maybe it’s time to stop and listen to what people have to say about the man whose birth Christians all over the world are celebrating this month.
Jesus was brought into this world to save us all from our sins. His life was the perfect example of how to let God’s word influence your life.
Have you room? Can you fit God and His son into your life, into your heart?
‘‘Tis the Season
If you’re anything like my 7 year old, you’ve been waiting for Christmas all year long. What does this world need? Peace! It feels like there is always some sort of conflict going on, claiming more lives than it should. Peace is something the world has been waiting for for so long and Christ will return to bring that to us.
Christmas should be about Christ – as my wee one says – the clue is in the name! Maybe that piece that’s missing from your heart is the peace of a life in Christ, the peace of knowing that God will send him back to this earth in glory and righteousness.
This year, can you make room in your heart for God to write his story and spread his peace?